The powerful CountWONDER now has companion – PowerWONDER!

The powerful CountWONDER now has companion – PowerWONDER!

CountWONDER adds new features to its arsenal of Print Productivity tools – PowerWONDER.

Print Productivity solution CountWONDER not only gives Live Machine Status (running/stopped/speed etc.), but keeps a printer updated on a lot of counts which include – Shift Delayed Start, Early Stop reports, Hourly, Daily, Monthly and Yearly Production Reports, Daily Job Production report, Machine Downtime Report, the Production Lost Report and many more. What makes it suitable to different production environments is that it allows all reports to be customizable to individual needs of printers.

The system works absolutely without any human intervention. To get specific reports, as in time taken for Line Clearance, Makeready, Breakdowns, Plate changes delay or any such needs of the customer, the staff needs to punch in the reasons while it happens for the system to record and report. Besides, they offer complete training at the time of installation along with remote trainings and resolutions to possible hiccups available as per individual need. “We provide complete service support with free replacement of hardware in case of any complaint. We are also providing software support with AMC wherein all upgrades are included,” shares Mr. Madan Singh.

Taking a leap ahead, the all-new CountWONDER PLC interface card allows CountWONDER to be integrated into any PLC without the need for sensors for production counting. It plugs directly into the machine’s PLC control panel and is wired to the CountWONDER hardware. This eliminates the need for any sensors, thus its installation, mounting and calibration are eliminated thus also avoiding chances of possible manipulation by anyone.

Additionally, the CountWONDER alert system integrates seamlessly with the most popular messaging application, WhatsApp. It provides information about breakdowns, and waiting reasons if the machine is waiting for a specific purpose. This allows you to take immediate action to resolve the issue without wasting additional time, thereby reducing downtime.

Remember, one cannot improve/manage anything that cannot be measured!

In the future, only companies that can predict their global prosperity will succeed. To be successful, they must implement regular measurement systems at every level of the organization.  Production monitoring is a difficult job in the printing industry, aiming to determine the cause of unproductive productivity and analyze scenarios and causes. Once this is done, there is a post-mortem of the loss that has occurred and solutions thereof to avoid the loss, all resulting in considerable improvement in the financial bottomline.

CountWONDER provides you with real-time information about your production process and the causes of production delays/stoppages. Therefore, you have an early warning, take immediate action to avoid avoidable losses.

Now PowerWONDER joins CountWONDER

Well, in addition to production, CountWONDER also has the PowerWONDER companion, which monitors each machine’s electricity consumption in relation to its production process. “With power today being a remarkable component in the expenses of a printer with heavy power consuming machines in the machine floor, it helps the printer to know the power consumed in a specific job”and monthly electricity consumption as well, adds Madan. If this ratio drops, it is a very early sign that a machine failure is likely to occur, informing you to make an action plan for immediate predictive maintenance.

“So, if you want to keep your production stable by being promptly notified of outages and early warning of problems, we have the solutions: CountWONDER and PowerWONDER” concludes Sachin.

For more information on any aspect of CountWONDER/PowerWONDER, please feel free to write to or call at +91 98993 07625 OR +91 98910 64216.

“The Live Machine Status report is one by which a customer, while enjoying a holiday in Goa, can also keep himself abreast of the live status of all the machines on his shop floor – whether they are fully automatic printing machines or semi automatic folding gluing machine/ machines or for that matter, even a manual die cutting machine,” says Mr.Madan Singh, the architect of CountWONDER system.

The solution is not only very helpful in understanding the reasons for lower productivity but also increasing productivity at the machine shop floor; it is also one of a kind solution in the Indian market. “Presently, there is no other solution in this realm available in the Indian market. The ones which are available in the US and Europe are extremely expensive and have no representation whatsoever in India till date,” asserts Mr. Sachin Kala of UTS, the exclusive agents for the product.