Selecting the Right Web Cleaner



It is natural that a moving web will attract contamination caused either by the surrounding environment or by the process itself. This contamination can create quality problems ending up in poor quality, customer dissatisfaction and high reject rates, costing valuable resources to any business.

What Is Web Cleaning?

Web cleaning cleans the surface of the web from particle contamination. In order to do this, Meech employs a 3-stage process to ensure effective web cleaning:

  1. Eliminate the static charges:
    A static charge will most likely be present on the web surface. Static charges are typically generated by either separation or friction and until neutralised, a static charge will trap and hold contamination already present on the web to its surface. This also pulls ambient airborne contamination to the web, causing further contamination. Therefore, to achieve excellent cleaning, it is vital that the static charge is removed as part of the cleaning process. All Meech systems incorporate powerful AC or DC ionising bars that will neutralise the static charge, irrespective of the polarity.
  2. Break the boundary layer of air on the web surface to disturb and remove the surface contamination:
    Each web cleaner uses a different method for breaking the boundary layer in order to release the contamination. The contamination is then removed away from the web and filtered, so as not to re-enter the production environment.
  3. Successfully isolate and trap all the disturbed contamination:
    The Meech CyClean, VacClean and ShearClean systems use the Meech Air Handling Unit (AHUv3). The AHUv3 is exclusively used in Meech systems to provide the airflows and filtration that traps the contaminants. The Meech TakClean system includes a consumable adhesive roll that contamination is transferred to and can later be disposed of.

Why Choose Meech?

Meech is the only solution provider to offer 4 unique web cleaning technologies. This means that we are committed to offering you the correct system to suit your application and your budget. Our team of industry experts have extensive experience and have seen all manner of environments and applications, putting Meech in a strong position to deliver the best system for your needs.

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