S.Kumar showcased exceptional range of products and innovative solutions at CMPL


For over 40 years, S.Kumar has been delivering top-notch packaging and branding solutions. Specializing in a wide array of products, the company offers everything from labels and shrink sleeves to digital labels and beyond. With decades of experience and a commitment to quality, S.Kumar ensures that all your packaging and branding needs are met with precision and excellence. At the recently concluded CMPL exhibition in Mumbai, S. Kumar highlighted their exceptional range of products and innovative solutions. Attendees had the opportunity to explore diverse offerings tailored to meet various industry needs, demonstrating S. Kumar’s dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. This event provided a platform for S.Kumar to connect with potential clients and partners, showcasing their expertise and commitment to excellence in every project they undertake.

Talking about the latest development, Tania Hansoti, Marketing Director of S.Kumar said “We continually strive to innovate by introducing new offerings every 3 to 4 months. Most recently, we have added a digital embossing solution specifically designed for short-run jobs, which is one of our unique selling points. We specialize in producing high-quality embossed labels in quantities as low as 1500 labels. Additionally, we have enhanced our capabilities by installing a 10-color Zonten Flexo press, allowing us to print up to 450 mm in width. To meet the diverse needs of our clients, we house comprehensive printing technologies, including Digital, Offset, and Flexo, ensuring we can deliver on a wide range of requirements.”

“In the past, standard printed labels sufficed for most industries, with only the wine and liquor sectors opting for high-end labels featuring embellishments like hot foiling and cold foiling. However, the landscape has drastically changed. Today, every industry demands unique, eye-catching labels that stand out. What was considered unique five years ago is now the norm. With the rise of social media and influencer campaigns, visually appealing labels have become imperative. Consequently, the effects and embellishments on labels must be more pronounced and innovative to attract attention and meet evolving consumer expectations.”

Speaking on the advancement, Aarjav Hansoti, Managing Director, said, “As a proud distributor for Zonten flexo presses, we recently hosted an open house event in Ahmedabad, where we showcased the remarkable capabilities of our 10-color Zonten Press. The event saw enthusiastic participation from printers across the country, all keen to explore the latest in printing technology. In observing current market trends, it’s evident that there is a growing demand for smaller print quantities. While digital printing is often cost-prohibitive for medium to long-run jobs, offset printing serves as a more economical alternative, making it an essential solution for many of our clients.”

“Brands are increasingly recognizing the crucial role packaging plays as a primary marketing point. The design and appeal of packaging can significantly influence consumer choices. Alongside aesthetics, there’s a growing demand for sustainability. More consumers now prefer sustainable or wash-off labels, reflecting a change in purchasing habits towards environmentally friendly options. However, one challenge that persists is the higher minimum order quantity (MOQ) for these sustainable labels, which can be a barrier for smaller businesses or those just starting to adopt these eco-friendly practices.”

“At S.Kumar, we specialize in digital printing solutions, including variable data printing, QR code printing, and track and trace capabilities. Our prestigious clients, such as Hindustan Petroleum, Bharat Petroleum, Bharat Biotech, and Havmor Ice Cream, trust us for their diverse labeling needs. We proudly supply labels across India, with our largest customer base concentrated in South India. We are excited to announce our expansion into carton packaging, aiming to become your one-stop solution for all packaging needs. In addition to labels, sachets, and shrink sleeves, we now offer carton packaging to better serve our clients. With a growing market trend towards small to medium run jobs, we recognize the decreasing need for gravure processes and are adapting our services to meet these demands. Our commitment to satisfying our clients drives us to continually enhance our portfolio and provide comprehensive packaging solutions.” Concluded Aarjav Hansoti.