PRIMASLIT® FL handles critical specialty film at Arrow Greentech


Arrow Greentech ensures an innovative and sustainable future through maximum environmental care. Specialization and quality service is the key competence of Arrow Greentech that has helped them to become one of the most established companies in India and placed them as a potential player on the world map of green packaging technology.

In the recent conversation, the technical team of Arrow Greentech Limited (headed by Mr.Kaustubh Bharadwaj) explained the need of a high quality precision sitting machine

Please tell us a bit about Arrow Greentech, about the company and its area of focus.

Arrow Greentech Limited finds its synergy with the word “Innovation.” The company is involved in providing environmentally friendly, sustainable solutions to the industry. Under our Trade Mark “Watersol,” we have been providing green packaging solutions to our clients in the domestic and international markets. Overall, our expertise enables us to provide answers, applications and management systems in the health, hygiene, packaging, printing and security industries, and we have intellectual properties filed globally in the respective fields. We develop customized solutions, recommending products that suit the different needs of customers.

Please explain the uses and applications of the water-soluble films that you manufacture.

The water-soluble film produced by our company has diverse applications. It is a primary packing solution for the agrochemical sector, embroidery film, mold release film, seed tapes, fish baits, soap strips, detergent (liquid & powder) pods, water transfer printing and other such diverse applications.

As a company that processes specialty films, we would like to know how important you consider the role of slitting rewinding machines in the overall process.

Slitting is one of the most essential converting processes since it defines the final finish of the dispatched product to the clients. Winding of the rolls (tight or loose), the roll’s tension, slitting width (size) variations, etc. are all crucial to delivering a quality product. Furthermore, because our product is unwound again on the client machines to run their product process, we need to ensure strict control over the process parameters to get top quality at our end. This is a make-or-break situation because if the slitting quality is not up to the mark, there could be significant rejections on the client production floor, leave alone the fact that it will cause downtime.

What are some of the challenges you faced in the past in the slitting process? Which performance parameters are critical and which features are “must-haves” on a suitable slitter rewinder?

Watersol is a very unique, sensitive and delicate product. The properties are such that ambient moisture due to excessive humidity or temperature can directly affect the product. So, maintaining precise tension on the film is crucial for our material to prevent its deformation. Loose winding, tight winding and curling on edges etc. can all lead to quality issues. A critical feature of the slitting machine is the Tension Control Mechanism and its accuracy from Unwind to Rewind plays a vital role in our production. Closed-loop operation with a motor at the unwind is an absolute must.

You installed a slitter rewinder of SP Ultraflex a few months back. What prompted you to decide in favor of SP Ultraflex? How was your experience? To what extent did the machine meet the expectations?

We decided on SP Ultraflex after having done a decent amount of research. What mattered to us most was On-Time Delivery. Thus, we much appreciate the commitments with regard to delivery time being met by team SP Ultraflex. The machine is easy to operate and is complete with the necessary interlocks and safety features. Our jobs put on this slitter requires much precision. Until now, we have found sufficient accuracy and ease in operations.

PRIMASLIT FL Front-Duplex Slitter Rewinder

You have purchased the PRIMASLIT® FL, which is a front-loading model. What prompted you to go for this particular model?

We were looking for a space-saving solution that would occupy the minimal floor space on our production floor. Hence, the front-loading model, which is part of SP’s standard range, was the right fit. Besides, this model is also easier to operate and maintain than other layouts. The operator can focus on the job because he does not need to shuffle between two different sides of the machine, trying to control the operation like conventional slitters with a front-back layout.

Do you have any diversion or expansion plans in the near future? Any concluding points that you would like to share with us?

Arrow Greentech Limited has been known for its future forecasting industry solutions. We hope to get into more expansions in the future. We look forward to work with the SP team in the future. We wish the entire team of SP the best always


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