Manish Kapoor’s rousing presentation on ‘Label Ki Baat’ at the LMAI Conference

Mr Manish Kapoor, Sales-Head, Nilpeter India

In his ‘Label Ki Baat’ at LMAI Conference 2023, Mr Manish Kapoor, Sales-Head, Nilpeter India, talked about the price-sensitive Indian label printing market and future sustainability. He asserted, “Now and today, let me speak about my dil ki baat. How many of you believe that the Indian label industry is sustainable? I have been in the label machinery business since 1993 and advising my customers to the best of my ability. I realise that the industry is running on reverse osmosis (RO) – Like a semi permeable membrane. Good advise does go through, but it goes slowly.”

He continued, “I would say there has been a mad race for achieving a bigger top line than the other in the industry irrespective of the implications. When we just look at the top lines and don’t concentrate on the bottom lines, we can not be sustainable as a business. For that, you have to see the way ahead. And there is only one way to be long term sustainable – be innovative, do something innovative right here, right now. When you innovate, you will get into that cyclicity of innovation, leading to creation and making you sustainable. But for that what should we do? Do start pushing at the bottom line. In the end that is what matters.

Mr Kapoor in his ‘Label Ki Baat’ shared Nilpeter’s story—a story of a journey, a journey made of technology. “We pursue perfection, we leave nothing to chance. Technology serves people, not the other way around. Aattention to detail, precision, and individuality, create value for all. We develop best printing technology by putting quality first. We deliver the same quality to you wherever you are. This is us! We want to share our experience with you. Can you see us smiling? We want to make you smile too. This is Nilpeter, your printing partner!”

Mr. Kapoor urged everyone to take an inspiration from the above story which has made Nilpeter a sustainable family business for over 100 years.

Pushing the boundaries of technological excellence, Nilpeter offers a number well-defined press lines, making it simple for printers to select the best machines for their customers’ needs.

As the three days of LMAI Conference 2023 came to a Roman-themed closing ceremony amid Bollywood music and Rajasthani delicacies, all delegates danced the night away with their industry peers.