Digital Labels makes Ripped Up Nutrition a startup winner


“A young entrepreneur’s journey to success”

Ripped Up Nutrition is a brand that believes in a fit body and healthy mind mantra, supplying nutritional supplements and fitness information across India.

Himanshu Verma, CEO, Ripped Up Nutrition a dynamic young entrepreneur is playing an important role in scaling up his brand. Verma shares his first-hand experience with Digital Label printing technology and how digital labels & Digistik helped in his brand growth.

          “Run for yourself, risk-free”, quote Verma

We have multiple variants of our product range and with conventional label printing technology, we have to order large quantities of labels, leading to a huge amount of investment. In the health supplements market, there are certain factors that set the rules of the game which drive the decision-making process. Like, it may not be necessary that every product you launch in the market hits a favorable chord with the consumer everywhere. Some products may turn out to be a national hit while some may have their fans in some select cities only. Sometimes a particular product variant or its flavor picks up demand in Pan India while some flavors impress a very niche customer base. Investing in large quantities for such labels is not an ideal option for any business. It is an investment going dead, says Verma.

He adds, keeping such scenario in focus Digital label printing was the right way for us to move forward.


According to Verma, some may feel that digital label printing can be bit expensive but when they do the math of ordering a huge number of labels in advance, storage cost, overnight changes in designs, go to market time, they will realize, it is actually economical.  You just need the right label printing partner who can guide you and can help to better understand the advantages of the technology.

Digistik is not like any regular label printer, they understand the label printing business in and out. They already have three Flexographic units which makes them an apt partner who knows how Digital printing can make a difference. They are Startup for Stratup’s. Their label print quality and professional attitude towards work are remarkable.


Verma narrates, Digistik has not been our label printing partner since the beginning. Earlier we used to get our labels printed locally and it was not a pleasing experience. There were issues of misplaced printing and we tried to correct it via washout that lead to the entire label text matter going off. It was a nightmare. Timely delivery of labels was another issue. In Digistik we found our ‘Label Mate.’

Covid & Health & Fitness Industry

Yes, it definitely disrupted our business, especially our exports. In fact, we did not renew our ongoing contracts due to raw material costs going up with no relief of price increase from our customer’s end.

The Fitness care industry was vastly impacted during covid. Gyms, health care & fitness centers were the first ones to shut down during lockdown and they were the last ones to get reopened, which led to a tremendous decline in our offline sales. What kept us going during these tough times was our online business, remarks Verma

E-Commerce & Labels

How our products looked on screen really helped our online sales. Attractive looking labels really made a difference when consumers were making a choice about which product to pick from a pool of similar-looking products. We were able to add a new pool of customers due to the looks of our products. If you have seen our labels, you may understand what I am referring to, says Verma.

Verma adds, if you have a premium quality product, especially the one which claims to make people’s life better and healthy, compromising on product labels and packaging can be disastrous. You cannot claim to have a premium quality product that does not look like one.

“It is said, don’t judge a book by its cover” but ironically a product is judged by the way it looks, so we can’t take chance when it comes to our product labels.

Information & Looks

Verma informs, we conduct lab tests of the products we offer to assure what is mentioned on the product label outside matches the actual content inside. Secondly, we also work on the looks of the label. Our design team pay special attention on the creative aspect of the label to make it attractive and appealing. While designing our product labels our inhouse design team keeps in mind that they have to come up with a design which is best combination of information and looks. So, before any of our new product hits the market shelf, we ensure the information and looks of our label are in perfect sync.

Digital labels from Digistik have provided us with the required ammunitions to fight for our place in the competitive market. It has really helped us during the last two years when pandemic has created an abrupt fluctuation in demand and changed consumer behavior dramatically, concludes Verma.

About the Author

Priyanka Rathi Verma

Hon. Editor at Labels Flexibles & More

Media & Marketing specialist at Digistik (A Digital unit of Sai Com Codes Flexoprint)