AWA Release Liner Industry Leadership Award

The annual AWA Release Liner Industry Leadership Award – established five years ago, and now an annual feature of the industry’s calendar — was presented during the recent AWA Global Release Liner Industry Conference and Exhibition held this year in Chicago (November 2021). The deserving winner was Alexander Watson, founder of AWA Alexander Watson Associates.
This award provides peer and industry recognition to an individual who has demonstrated singular dedication, service, and leadership through their efforts to drive growth, innovation, and continuing success for the release liner industry.
Presenting this special award for an outstanding contribution to the release liner industry, AWA Alexander Watson Associates’ President and CEO Corey M Reardon, said:
“The contribution of Alexander Watson (Sandy) to the release liner industry, which started 5 decades ago is still affecting and influencing the industry today. The initiative and foundation he created many years ago, researching and publishing market intelligence and data on the release liner and pressure sensitive markets is the bases for companies across the value chain to create strategy and grow, and to establish a framework for success, innovation, and industry direction. On the occasion of AWA’s 50th Anniversary it seems appropriate to also recognize the contribution and influence Sandy has had on the release liner industry and so many companies across the value chain. His contribution to the release liner, specialty paper and pressure sensitive industry, has helped in part, make the industry what it is today.”


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