Apex International hosts FlexoKITE open house to develop better proficiency in Flexo operation for convertors


At Sinnar, Nashik, FlexoKITE is an experience center that is run by Apex International, one of the world’s largest anilox solutions providers. FlexoKITE is a workshop, press floor, seminar series, and tradeshow rolled into one robust flexo user experience. It is a fully-equipped integrated workflow of the latest-version equipment from Apex International, Bobst, DuPont, and Esko.

Addressing the semiar, Nick Harvey, technical director for Apex International, said “FlexoKITE (knowledge, innovation, technology, and exploration) is a New, Better Normal, that enhances convertors’ capability to get the most out of flexo operations. It is a fully functional flexo playground where knowledge sharing and the latest technology are displayed. The kite center can help fine-tune designs offline or make RD testing. The demo center is open for all the Converters, and they can visit the center and reap the benefits.”

He explained the importance for an extended color gamut (ECG) in Flexo printing.

Color is a measurable quantity and the most critical component in determining print quality. The ECG ink systems broaden the color space on the press. The current technological advancement and the need to satisfy the increasing quality requirements have stimulated the demand for an extended color gamut in flexographic printing. The ECG printing primarily aims to expand the pressroom color gamut and to accurately and cost-effectively incorporate brand spot colors. The ECG printing enables the printer to use a wide range of colors by adding spot color inks to the standard process color inks (YMCK).

Madhumita Chakravarty of Bobst said, “We are happy to be a part of FlexoKITE. We are committed to provide the best possible solution to Flexo converters in India. We are present in more than 50 countries and have 19 production facilities. Currently, we have more than 60 installations of Label Press in India. For label business in India, we operate through our authorised agent i.e. Reifenhouser. Our production facility for Narrow and mod-web machines is in Firenze, where we produce 80 presses every year with the help of 250 employees. In KITE center, we have installed our Master M5 machine that has exceptional flexibility and gives outstanding productivity.”

FlexoKITE provides print converters and brands with a comprehensive view of the entire plate-to-print process, focusing on the finished printed product. An optimum printed effect is achieved by synchronizing the plate-imaging, plate-processing, anilox, and press under one roof.

Team Apex International

“Overwhelmed to see label customers’ response for the first physical event at FlexoKITE. This event has created an opportunity for our customers to see and witness the state-of-the-art production facility of anilox-rolls and our capabilities to support the entire flexo ecosystem through our technical center. Our highly consistent GTT 2.0 anilox technology offers more flexibility to converters in terms of profitability, printability, less press downtime, and improved process standardization with stunning print results.” Said Mangesh Bhise, Director Sales – Asia Pacific & ME

“FlexoKITE aims to offer a complete experience to those wanting to appraise the flexo technology. The ECG open house was a good opening event, with the FlexoKITE partners jointly demonstrating high quality & high productivity being done more sustainably. From a DuPont perspective, we are happy to be able to showcase live the capabilities of the Cyrel® FAST TD2000 system.” Said Kirsur Gururaj, Territory Manager at E.I.DuPont India Pvt Ltd

Feedback from Abhijit Ugar of Ugar Labels, “the open house was very informative. The ultra-modern Apex plant is a treat to watch. The pre-flight software and CTP from Esko, the nylon plate processor from DuPont, and Bobst M5 are the kind of equipments that any converter would like to have in their production facility. The demo was truly inspirational. The interactions among the industry members gained valuable insight.”