11th Edition of PLASTINDIA re-scheduled in February 2023


The Plastindia Foundation has announced the revision of dates of its 11th Plastindia exhibition, which is supposed to be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

In a letter to all the exhibitors, visitors and stakeholders of Plastinida, the organisers – Plastindia Foundation ­- has announced new dates for its three-decade-old exhibition. The show has been rescheduled to 1st-5th February 2023 due to the pandemic, the organisers said.

“The Plastics industry as always continues to embrace the changes that the current situation presents; we at PLASTINDIA too has to do the same with rescheduling the dates of the upcoming PLASTINDIA exhibition from 17th -21st February 2022 to 1st -5th February 2023.

In the prevailing circumstances, in the best interests of all the stakeholders, it was imperative to reschedule the mega event. We look forward to your continued patronage. With things relating to the pandemic definitely looking to shape up well, rescheduling was a difficult call for us too, but it had to be taken, as we also have to respect the safety, convenience and mental comfort of all exhibiting and attending the show.

So, in close to just 15-months from now, we will be meeting you in person at the totally renovated Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in an environment where global travel should be more effortless and one-on-one meetings that should be more unrestrictive; all resulting in brand PLASTINDIA living up to its commitment of creating a global platform for your business growth.

Looking forward to meeting you. Stay safe and get vaccinated as we all look to close 2021 on a high of business and a low of COVID cases!”


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